Those who follow me or have met me know that my biggest gripe with “saving” sex workers is funding. Thousands of people are being funneled to these sex cam girls to “raise awareness.” There are women in Dublin who are getting paid $19 a week selling sex as a survival strategy, and it pisses me off when I hear sex cam girls loudly proclaiming their dedication to helping these poor depraved women. I’ve written about the evidence of this “support” apart from the fact that most staff is volunteers.
What pissed me off about this was my recent visit to the Sex Cam Girl Resource Centre in Belfast. Not many people know this, but that will soon change. I will explain why later. It usually occurs on Thursdays from 6 pm to 10 pm on Bedford Street. Sex Cam Girls
Stuck in Belfast
I ended up stranded in Belfast because a sex cam girl gave me a completely wrong travel plan. After finding a hotel room, I decided to make good use of my time and go out into the city to find a sex cam girl Employee to talk to. Luckily, a sex cam girl Employee who lives in Belfast told me about the resource center, so I headed there to chat with a sex cam girl over tea.
Some of the stories I heard were shocking
From what I’ve heard, the street scene is now dead. A woman who has worked on the street for 30 years spoke of the good old days when cars would queue and a night out was guaranteed. We’re told that a night is reasonable and customers are much pushier. This woman remembers working in minus 10 degrees and potential customers haggling because they knew she was cold.
The Resource Center was an eye-opener for me
There were people here who cared about the health of sex camp girls. This means they don’t shove numbers into an Excel spreadsheet to raise funds but rather help on the ground. They provide a safe place for sex camp girls to find solidarity and friendship and provide screenings, emergency contraception, and condom supplies.
It makes me even angrier when I think of the services they provided at a time when the street scene was booming and more sex cam girls were using their services. Of course, there was money back then.