I remember sitting in the kitchen at Escorts Sex and talking to one of my colleagues. She said it wasn’t always easy for a woman to get company at night. For my part, I pointed out that I thought women could go up to a man, ask for sex from the Escorts sex, and probably get it. And there you have it; some people have studied the subject.
Variable Reactions
A man went and asked 200 women if they wanted company. Well, out of 200 people offered jobs, I was surprised that only one got it. Brian from California explains the different reactions. “There was a wide range of responses: shock, interest, disinterest, disgust, flattery. “Most of the people I spoke to reacted positively – positive in that they were not offended and found everything interesting and fun.
Women can take it at any time! However
There was a difference when one woman tried to do the same. She asked 200 men to sleep with her, and guess what? It has a 50% success rate! I won’t say that women are less attracted to Escorts sex than men, but I will say that men have a natural desire to spill their semen everywhere. This is probably a need that dates back to caveman days. This need for attention from women of different genders is perhaps one of the reasons why there is such a demand and why Escorts sex services are used more by men than by women.