Unfortunately, many of these nasty guys are just men who seem to enjoy the opportunity to be creepy toward escorts’ girls. The sad reality is that many men are completely unaware that they are making escorts girls feel uncomfortable. It is important to understand that escorts girls are in control of their time and their bodies and that you are very lucky to be able to share this intimate time with them. So here are three scary behaviors that men may not even realize they are doing to escorts women. Don’t do that and thank them later.
Tell the escorts girls right away how much they mean to you
Weirdly, members tell the escorts girls that they don’t know they care about them. Many creepy users immediately tell the escorts girls that they care about them, that they love them, and that they are thinking about them after a few hours or days of online interaction.
Don’t do that, this is nonsense. It shows that you are obsessed and behaving strangely. It’s weird to say you care about an escort’s girl but not know who she is and they don’t know you. This is worrying. The weird thing is that the escorts’ girl might stop chatting before you get even creepier. Go out in public and act as if you have known each other for years
imagine you invite your friends and their friends to a party and at some point, some random person starts throwing out phrases about how much they want you and what they want to do with you in bed. That may be one approach, but come on.
Get to know each other first.
The bottom line is that instead of jumping right into a public chat and sharing every desire that comes to your mind, you should think about the escorts who was putting on a show and kindly welcoming you. Start a conversation, discover that you have similar interests, discuss each other’s fetishes and you will probably end up spending an intimate and unforgettable time together.
It’s really scary when a man transforms into the woman he’s talking to, and it happens more often than you think. For example, if the escorts’ lady he’s talking to is interested in politics, sports, reading, etc., the man also transforms into a woman and starts “enjoying” politics, sports, reading, etc.